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Group Member’s Names and Contact Information



Hannah Yack                            

Madison Shepherd                 




    We are planning on throwing a Family Movie Night here at St. Joseph High School on a Friday/Thursday night at the end of March. All ages will be welcome, but preferably grades k-6 due to some of the events that will take place.When the guests walk in to the student center, a movie will be playing (most likely the LEGO Movie). They are welcome to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, or blanket and just enjoy the movie. There will be a refreshments table where they can get something to drink or even some dessert. We will provide pizza through a sponsor from a local pizza company.  Along the sides of the student center will be some tables full of legos. They will be welcome to play with them all they want but they will most likely be donated to us so we wouldn’t have them take their creations home. We won’t be able to provide everything ourselves, so we will need some form of support. We will most likely email companies to see if they can provide some supplies, or visit stores and see if they’re willing to provide some form of support. Since this event will only last a couple hours, we will have to make sure everyone leaves safely and before we do.



    • What is an effective way to give students a break from school?

    • How can we make it possible for parents and kids to spend the day together and have a ton of fun?

    • How can we make this project a productive way to make kids happy?

    • How can we provide a fun and safe event for younger children so that they can have a fun after school event also.


C. LEARNING SKILLS (Goals) – Bulleted/Numbered List


  • We need to learn how to be as productive as possible with a short timeline.

  • We need to learn how to contact businesses.

  • We need to learn how to enhance our public speaking skills.

  • We need to learn how to attract a larger audience.

  • We need to learn how to make this a success.

  • We need to learn how to make deadlines.

  • We need to learn how to gain support.


D. PROJECT STEPS – Should be presented in sequential process.



Step 1:           Contact businesses for sponsorships                                                                   2 Hours

Step 2:           Book the Student Center                                                                                          15 Minutes

Step 3:            Purchase materials                                                                                                    2 Hours

Step 4:            Get volunteers                                                                                                            1.5 Hours

Step 5:            Create Promotional Advertisement                                                                      1.5 Hours

Step 6:            Speak to schools and advertise                                                                              2 Hours

Step 7:           Talk on radio to promote                                                                                          15 Minutes

Step 8:           See if possible to book a special guest                                                                 30 Minutes

Step 9:           Visit and set up                                                                                                            1 Hour

Step 10:        See if there is a way to give back with this event                                              30 Minutes

Step 11:        Print and distribute flyers in businesses                                                              1 Hour

Step 12:        Contact companies to see if they will provide for the event                          1 Hour

Step 13:        Visit the church to see if they can provide some materials                            1 Hour

Step 14:        speak publically about the event                                                                             30 Minutes

Step 15:        Set up deadlines for the event                                                                                 15 Minutes






   We will have to make promotional advertisements to spread the word about our event. With this, comes flyers, posters, maybe a radio segment. If we decide to book a radio segment, we will need some form of a script on what to say. We will also have to contact businesses to see if they will sponsor or event which will require phone logs and copies of emails. Along with that will be photos from our actual event and maybe even a video or two.


F. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION – Explain why this project is needed. How does it address a specific issue?


  In Middle School and High School, teens have plenty of activities that they do along with school. For Elementary School, they don’t really have many options when it comes to family events. We want to provide something that children of all ages can come out and have a blast. Growing up, we always had somewhere to go or something to do, but I regret not doing many things with my family members. So with this event, family and friends are a key component. Our goal is to create an atmosphere that promotes a good time while giving back to our community. Hopefully, it will create a spark and others will begin to give back in fun ways.

    The most challenging aspect will be to get everyone involved and to create a good atmosphere. At a point in time, kids begin to choose their friends over their family, so creating that family aspect will be hard.


G. RESEARCH CONNECTION– Explain the link.


Hannah’s -

   My proposed idea is comparing how kids staying active improves their performance in school. By them participating in our family fun night, we could see if that influences them on the following Monday at school, or even have some form of test that they have to complete before they leave. It would just be a short survey and they could get some sort of candy when they completed it. Apparently, the more active you are, the better you do in school. That’s not the case for everyone, which means that there would be confounding results when it comes to grades. There would also be confounding when it comes to ages. Older kids would want to do better while younger kids don’t really care as much about their grades yet.



    Like Hannah’s article, my article talks about how children and teens spending time with their family is really important. The main thing that I want the kids and parents to take away from this is how the studies show that when parents spend time with their kids that the children's self esteem goes up and they're happier in general. I really want that to be the main focus and reason why we're doing this event because lately it seems like children get more depressed at a younger age now days.

H. ACADEMIC HONESTY – Don’t cheat, no problems.


    Academic dishonesty is when you turn in work that is either copied, not in your own words, or not your own.  We will be academically honest.


I. COMPLETION DATES – Time manage some steps to get you started.


3/5/15 All sponsors should be contacted

3/10/15 Venue should be set on a specific date

3/26/15 Necessary materials should be purchased/ picked up

4/6/15 Everything should be complete in order for event to happen

5/8/15 Event will take place by here


J. COSTS – If your project requires money, explain where the money is coming from, etc.


    We will need some way to purchase the food/ drinks/ other game supplies from stores with some form of sponsorship. We’ve already contacted some companies to see if they’re willing to provide some supplies for us such as: Pepsi, local churches, and some of it will probably come from our own pocket. But most of it will come from donations. We aren’t planning on collecting any form of donations due to us not raising money for a specific cause or group.  




    We are hoping to use the SJHS Student Center to host our event. We will fill out the necessary form and contact Mr. Guzzo to set up a date for the event.

    Kevin Guzzo

    (269) 926-3220





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