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Business Letter



Silver Beach Pizza

410 Vine St

Saint Joseph, MI 49085

March 8, 2015


Dear Silver Beach Pizza Manager,


Our names are Maddie Shepherd and Hannah Yack. We are seniors at St. Joseph High School and are currently in 21st Century Literature and Writing. This class touches on globalization and how to change the world through literature. We are given the opportunity to complete a Senior Service Project that benefits our community in a positive way. For our project, we would like to host a Family Movie Night here at St. Joseph High School that focuses on the relationships of children with their friends or-- most importantly-- family.


In St. Joseph, there aren’t many family oriented activities that take place on a regular basis. Although we, as a community, tend to focus more on a competitive scale rather than a friendly one, we want to create an event where we incorporate competitive and friendly family fun. Along with that aspect, we want this night to have an educational purpose. Kids are encouraged to take part in activities that will benefit their education; whether it’s positive or negative, something should come out of it. Here, we want to make sure that it’s positive. We hope that this event will increase social skills and even challenges these kids to push past their comfort zone.


This event will take place on Saturday April 25th from 5:00 to 7:30pm. We will be showing the Lego Movie and providing food and drinks. This is where we need your help. We pay for this entire project out of pocket and we are right at the brink of budget. We were wondering if you would like to donate a couple pizzas for us to serve at the event. We would advertise your company on a banner and include you on our flyers.

With your help, we hope to make this a very important night for not only us, but for everyone that attends. We are very close to deadline and with your help we could make it work. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we look forward to hearing from you. We really hope that you will choose to take part in this journey with us.



Hannah Yack and Maddie Shepherd


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