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Project Overview


  When we were first assigned this project to complete, we were at a loss of words. Racking our brains around the concept of completing an entire service project in about three months seemed crazy and almost impossible, but we began brainstorming anyway. Our first idea was a tea party that would encourage young girls to follow their dreams.















   For about a week we were set on the idea. Then, life got in the way and we forgot about the project all together. Our second idea came about two weeks later and was a family fun night that would include games, a movie, some snacks, etc. This would focus on the lack of family events in our area and would encourage family relationships through bonding.



















Unfortunately, as time went on, we forgot about the project again and this idea went through the window too. The deadline was approaching in less than a month so we knew that we had to come up with something.

   It came to us suddenly and at the greatest possible time. We were going to strip both of our past ideas down and keep the concept simple. We were going to throw a movie night that would focus on family. We planned, and planned, and planned, and everything was falling into place. We would show the LEGO movie. That way it was gender neutral and we could have a theme. We could have lego tables set up and even coloring pages for the kids.






















A big part of our event was finding companies to sponsor us. With a simple letter, we were able to get Silver Beach Pizza to donate twelve large pizzas to us. We were also able to get Color and Design LLC to donate fifty dollars to us to purchase drinks.

















  On event day, we arrived five hours early to set everything up. Within ten minutes of opening the doors, we had forty people inside the student center. At that point, we were mentally losing our minds. We had planned for about thirty people and by the peak of the movie, there were 109 people in the student center. The pizza was gone within twenty minutes. We had to make two trips to go purchase more drinks. We practically broke all of the microwaves in the school while popping enough popcorn. Overall, the night was a success.


















  For the family relationship aspect, we witnessed families bonding over a movie. We saw parents coloring alongside their children. We witnessed kids building lego towers with their parents right alongside of them. Relationships were created, even if just in that moment. This project was definitely worth seeing that.  






















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