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“The parent needs to monitor the types of shows the child is watching or it can lead to lasting effects in the child’s behavior. A parent can set certain controls on the television or even check the rating of video games. This behavior is preventable.’ - Hannah Yack






Throughout the world, at this moment, many children are sitting in front of a television. They are either watching something that could actually benefit them or something that will negatively impact them in the near future. My event showed a movie that was some what in between. The movie showcased mild violence, which could lead to behavioral problems in children if watched multiple times. These behavioral problems would include violent behavior that replicates the movie. The only thing that’s different about this case is that parents were present when the movie was shown. They were setting their parental instincts in motion and monitoring the movie as it progressed. Parents need to monitor their child’s viewing activity when it comes to television and video games. That way, the child is not exposed to potential problems in the future.



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