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Hannah's Completion


The Problem


   Over the past couple months, all of my energy has been focused on this project. Whether it was hours of planning, staying up late making phone calls to try and get sponsors, or even just watching the LEGO movie to make sure it’s working properly; I was not focused on anything else. That attention span caused me to become very passionate about the problem that my project was working to fix. In our community, family events are not very common nor prominent. We have yearly parades or fairs that promote healthy family activity for a week and then everyone returns to their daily routines. Our event was trying to correct that problem, if only for a slight moment.

Our Solution


I think that it succeeded. We were able to create a healthy environment for children and parents to be. The only problem I saw was that some of the parents were more invested in the movie than they were watching their kids. At one point, Maddie and I were basically babysitters. We figured that it would be a possibility, but not with the parent sitting less than ten feet away. On the other hand, there were other families that were enjoying the movie together.

Our Event


That’s probably the part that I enjoyed most. Not only the fact that on event day, it meant that I was actually done with the cloud of stress that had been destroying me for the past month, but that we had actually planned something that was a success. We actually had people show up. The downside was that we had a ton of people show up. We didn’t plan for more than 30 people and we had that many show up within the first ten minutes. It was crazy.

As A Whole


Overall, I think that this project is something that I would do again. Even though I wasn’t enjoying it during the long hours, I appreciated that I gained knowledge from it. My communication skills got better. I was able to actually talk to people and ask for their opinions. My organizational skills and planning got better. I mean, who knew that two teenagers could plan an event this big? I certainly didn’t. In general, I think that I have become a better person because of this event. I now know the value of family.

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